All About Our League
The Colchester Adult Winter League runs from September to April, to enter the adult league you will need to send in your application by the end of June, new teams are accepted as long as there is a space. You can either go into the bottom division or attend an assessment night if you feel you could play in a higher division.
The Colchester Youth Winter League runs from November to April and to enter the youth league you will need to send in your application form in by mid-October. Players from School Year 3 to School Year 11 are included and generally organised into Divisions by School Year groups where possible and enough teams.

Colchester Netball League Rally
Jackie Sage
1. Kats Hurricanes
2 Kats Tornadoes
3. Suffolk Halo
4 Jets Indigo
5. Finborough
6. Kats Nordic
7. Shaikly Lynx
8. Nimbus
9. Kats Thunder
10. Suffolk Stellar
11. Keveldon
Hazel King
1. Hamilton Hornets
2 Jets Falcons
3. Kats Cyclone
4 Suffolk Apollo
5. Shaikly Jades
6. Typhoons
7. Suffolk Neptune
8. Blackwaters
9. Shaikly Diamonds
10. Shaikly Topaz
11. Hamilton Hurricanes
This years rally was a huge success - 22 teams competed in two tables of round robins.

Our adult winter league commences on Monday 9th September 2024. All games will be played with 4 x 15 minutes quarters. Games will either be played at 7pm or 8.30pm. The league will run all the way through until March 31st 2025.​
It's too late to register a new team. If your a player looking to join an existing team - head over to our Facebook page and write a post.
Our winter youth league will start in November 2024 and run through to spring 2025.
If you have a player wanting to join a team please contact one of the following clubs:
Kats Netball Club -
Suffolk Rockets -
Shaikly Netball Club -
Kelvedon Netball Club -​​