Committee Members
Meet the Committee
Chairperson – Donna Parker - dparkerevans@aol.com
Vice Chairperson – Amy Longhurst - amyclonghurst@yahoo.co.uk
Secretary – Nic Rees - nicrees@hotmail.com
Treasurer – Linda Gaine – linda.gaine@icloud.com
Minute Taker – Sam Harwood - samanthaharwood@hotmail.co.uk
Membership Fixtures Cancellations Officer – Kim Watson – Katsnc@outlook.com
Safeguarding Officer – Di Gerard - digerard69@gmail.com
Officiating Lead – Becky Asbridge – bexdorey@btinternet.com
Youth League Officer – Kim Watson and Linda Gaine
Communication Officer – Becky Henry - Becky.henry10@yahoo.com
General Committee member – Lorraine Adams - theadamsboys@tiscali.co.uk
Committee Roles
The President shall be a figurehead and Ambassador for Colchester Netball League
Preside at the AGM and any meetings as required
Exercise a general interest in the league affairs and be entitled to attend meetings
Be available for consultation when required
Present awards gained by members
Represent Colchester Netball League as and when necessary
Be responsible for the Committee in managing the affairs of the League.
Convenes and take the chair at Committee Meetings, AGM’s and EGM‘s and guides the course of the Committee’s deliberations towards decision making.
Liaise with the Secretary on the Agenda for each Meeting
Support the work of all the Officers and volunteers within the club and guide policy decisions.
Represents or delegates representation of the league when liaising with external agencies including County Association.
To ensure the league adheres to the England Netball policies and procedures
To support Chairperson in roles above when required
To substitutes for Chairperson if unable to attend meetings
Liaise with the Chairman on the Agenda for meetings and also liaise as and when required.
In liaison with Chair set meetings in advance
Circulate all paperwork relating to the AGM
Circulate any relevant information received from the League/County / Regional Association or England Netball to Members of the Committee and Leagues where necessary.
Distribute the League / County Handbooks to Committee members and other appropriate people.
Deal with any netball enquiries and necessary correspondence.
If unable to attend any Meeting, arrange for correspondence to be sent to the Meeting.
Be responsible for the management of the Leagues finances in accordance with the decisions of the Committee and have the right to query any expenditure.
Recommend action on financial matters to the Committee.
Present a written financial report to all meetings of the Committee.
Present an Annual Report and an Audited Balance Sheet at the Annual General Meeting.
Recommend a bank and, if necessary, other organisations for the deposit of monies and recommend the auditor.
Be responsible for all monies belonging to the league which shall be maintained in a bank account in the name of the association and which shall have two signatures on all cheques.
Request and receive monies from the members of the League for fees and fines
Allocate monies upon the order of the Committee as required
If unable to attend Committee Meetings ensure that a written report is sent.
Take minutes for all committee meeting or arrange a reserve if unable to attend
Liaise with the Chairman to agree Minutes for each Meeting before they are circulated
Distribute minutes two week after meeting
Be responsible for receiving all applications to join the winter and summer league and compiling the fixtures for that season and notifying teams
Be responsible for receiving any match cancellations or request for rearrangement and notifying the committee if any decisions are required.
To notify teams if any match rearrangements are required
To notify teams and league of any facility issues that affect fixture e.g. closure of centre, inclement weather cancellation.
To organise the knockout cup fixtures if required
Collects and collates League Registration forms at beginning and during season and other paperwork relating to running of league
Collates database of players and checks match cards for correct players and playing up controls
Produces weekly results table
Notifies teams of any infringements regarding players or teams
Collect umpire registration forms at the beginning of each winter season and maintain an up-to-date record of all qualified umpires in the League.
Be responsible and make recommendations for umpiring within the league, with any policy decisions approved by the Committee.
Be responsible for the implementation of umpires where required e.g. Umpire testing, Knockout Cup allocation.
Liaise with League/ County for the training of umpires in preparation for England Netball awards.
Be responsible for the implementation of the umpiring aspects of the Leagues umpiring requirements including course and workshop organisation, mentor allocation, organising written, and practical tests.
Liaise with the Treasurer over fees, expenses and other finance matters.
Represent the League on the County Umpire TSG
Be responsible for receiving all applications to join the winter and summer league and compiling the fixtures for that season and notifying teams
Be responsible for receiving any match cancellations or request for rearrangement and notifying the committee if any decisions are required.
To notify teams if any match rearrangements are required
To notify teams and league of any facility issues that affect fixture e.g. closure of centre, inclement weather cancellation.
Produces weekly results table
Notifies teams of any infringements regarding players or teams
Be responsible for organising the annual youth league rally
Make clubs aware of their safeguarding responsibilities for U18 players or vulnerable adults
To monitor and maintain the safeguarding elements of the CNL constitution and rules including ensuring all policies are up to date and paperwork is received and collated pertaining to U18 players and vulnerable adults
To monitor the Safeguarding responsibilities for the league and deal with any issues with committee input and guidance
Ensure the website is kept fully up to date and refreshed regularly
Encourage all to regularly contribute to CNL Facebook page
Highlight promotional opportunities including those from County, Regional and England Netball e.g. Goalden Globe awards
Look at other communication streams that would benefit the league
To attend committee meetings and offer advice and guidance on league matters
To participate in responding to any messages, correspondence or decision making required outside of committee meetings
To volunteer for any sub groups, roles or activities as required and time permitting