The matches are played on Thursday evenings, between 7.00pm and 9.00pm at Leisure World/Highwood's Sports Centre, Colchester; the league is due to commence 11th November 2021, finishing in March 2022 (actual date to be advised).
Attached is a Team Registration Form, which should be completed and returned to me by 28th October 2021.
If you want to put a team in the league and want to play them in a higher group then their age just put in the group section the number you would like them to go in , also depending on how many teams entered Year groups may need to join together.
Teams are required to pay a registration fee of £20.00 per team; court fees are also payable, but these will be calculated, based on the number of teams entering the league and will be invoiced in due course.
For the registration fee of £20.00 per team,please Pay online to Colchester Netball League 60-05-33 23692707 (this is the new account )
Any questions please ask